We welcome your interest in submitting a book review! The BJRT does not actively solicit publishers for books for review. Thus, book reviewers are welcome to suggest books for review to the book review editor. The list of suggested books for review to the right are merely suggestions. Please note that books for review must be agreed beforehand with the book review editor; unsolicited reviews will not be accepted! Books to be reviewed should not be published more than 5 years before the year of the Journal issue’s publication. (i.e. Reviews appearing in the 2017 volume cannot pertain to books published before 2012.)
For books in the Suggested Books list that are highlighted in red, the BJRT has a review copy available. Interested reviewers can pick up a hard copy on the GTU campus, which they are welcome to keep, in exchange for a completed book review. Reviewers can also ask the book review editor to request review copies of books they are interested in reviewing, although hard review copies are not guaranteed, and the book review editor is not responsible for the reviewer not receiving the book in time for write a review. Reviewers should further note that academic presses are increasingly foregoing hard review copies, preferring instead to grant reviewers e-books or access to digital copies instead.
Otherwise, authors must obtain access for the books on their own. GTU and Cal students are highly encouraged to review books by borrowing them from either university’s libraries. However, the reviewers must retain responsibility for upholding the borrowing terms and conditions of both libraries. (i.e. the Journal will not be reimbursing reviewers for cost of late fees, damaged books, etc.) Our reviewers come from many parts of the world, some with very limited access to a quality theological library. We will do our best to work with reviewers who cannot secure access for books from their local library or from the publisher.
Book reviews in the BJRT are limited to 1,500 words, including footnotes. Please preface your review with the Title/Subtitle of the Book, Author(s)/Editor(s), Publisher, Publication Date, ISBN-13, Cost (USD). Along with your review, please submit a 2-sentence biography of yourself. Please consult the Instructions and Style guide for more information on preparing your book review. Editors reserve the right to reject or amend your submission if it does not conform to the Guide.
Please request permission for writing reviews or submit your review to the book review editor at: bjrt@ses.gtu.edu
Suggested Books for Review:
To Be Updated
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