The Berkeley Journal of Religion and Theology (BJRT) is an international and diverse forum for original, cutting-edge scholarship in religious studies, philosophy, and theology that reflects the GTU’s endeavor to be a nexus for “where religion meets the world.” In fulfillment of this aspect of the mission, the BJRT is committed to publishing and making accessible, on at least an annual basis, original research by scholars throughout the world that is representative of the various religious expressions and theological traditions and perspectives within the GTU community. The BJRT will publish lectures and prize-winning essays from the GTU Consortial community, as well as original research submitted for publication. We invite authors who are interested in submitting articles or book reviews for publication to consult our Information for Authors or Book Reviews sites for further details. We are committed to being part of the conversations that advance the frontiers of religious and theological thought, and invite you to contribute.
Journal Staff and Peer-Review Board
Uriah Y. Kim, Ph.D., President
Associate Editor-in-Chief
Jennifer Davidson, Ph.D., Dean, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and John Dillenberger Professor of Theology at the GTU
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